Thursday, July 30, 2009

Year Round Harvest

While blog stalking one day I found an amazing tutorial for a felt garden from Ikat Bag. You can find the tutorials here, here, here and here.

So after 2 weeks of sewing during nap times I had this:

Complete with pickable strawberries
Pickable pea pods:

Cornstalks with pickable corn on the cob:
And carrots:
Harvest Time!
The carrots and potatoes also came from Ikat Bag, here.


  1. Ananda, those cornstalks! Oh, they are more fabulous in life than even your description! Thank you for telling me so I could come see. I am so glad the tutorials helped you do this. It gives me hope that the instructions and patterns aren't all rubbish to other people reading them. I mean, I think they make sense to me but I always wonder how they read to other people. Aren't you glad to be done with all that sewing, though? I remember how much work had to be put in to this project when I was doing it. Tiny details and some mind-numbingly repetitive stitching. I hope your little boy is as thrilled as my girls were when they finally got to play with theirs (and to have their mom back)!

    P.S. Those cornstalks! Seriously! I am in awe!

  2. I just finished the same LiEr project and your cornstalks are to die for! I'm going to have to give them a try. So cool!

  3. Thanks for the compliments. I've been thinking of doing a crude tutorial for the cornstalks so check back soon.

  4. Please,please, please do a tutorial for the cornstalks! I would love one!
