Friday, September 18, 2009

I almost posted...

I almost posted a craft project/mishap this morning. And then something terrible happened. I'll tell you all the long story even though you probably don't care...

So I was uploading some pictures of a project I wanted to blog about. I got them uploaded and was moving them around to different folders within my pictures folder. (My pics are organized by family/blog then by year, then by month, then by major event) I got everything where I wanted it to be. Deleted some pic shortcuts that I had put on the desktop for a minute, the logged into blogger. I hit the "add image" button, searched for my images and NOTHING! I couldn't find my picture folder. I frantically looked in the recycle bin, did a search, NOTHING! I panicked, called my IT/computer whizz brother. He suggested restoring my computer to how it was yesterday. I did that and my folder reappeared. PHEW! I opened the folder. There was the folder 'Blog', and the folder 'Family'. I clicked Family. I saw 2007, 2008, 2009. I clicked 2009, yada-yada-yada. Kept clicking along in my freakishly organized photo file. NOTHING! All the folders are there with no pictures.

Luckily I have never deleted a picture of my son off of my camera for fear something like this would happen, but there are still plenty of pictures of him that family had sent me or bloggy pictures which I usually don't store on my camera.

This is what I wanted to do to my computer!

I didn't though, in hopes that my brother can work some computer magic and find the files.

1 comment:

  1. That happened to us once.. never got the pictures back. =( Now my husband copies everything onto our external harddrive, so that we have a backup. Pictures are so precious! Especially ones of our kids! I hope you can get them back!
