Monday, September 21, 2009

Note To Self: Halloween is in October

I am SO excited for Halloween. It is my favorite holiday. I just love the cool weather, dressing up (when else can an adult woman wear a tutu and get away with it?) and the decorating.

I thought up a cute project for my worn ladder that sits by my front door. I covered pumpkins with stickers and then gave them a coat of black spray paint. I love the way they turned out.

But...Here's what happened after only a few days of sitting on the porch.

Note to self: Halloween is in October not September. Don't get to ahead of your self.

Guess I'll wait a few weeks and then try this project again. Cross your fingers cool weather gets here soon.


  1. They turned out so cute though! I love the sticker idea, and it looked perfect on that ladder

  2. I just nominated you for the "one lovely blog award", you rock! Come check it out at

  3. love the old ladder!!! wish I could find one!
