Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Homemade Car Cart

So in this post here I told you guys about how my son LOVES car carts. And for my sanity I LOVE car carts. But not every store has them, and the are usually SO DIRTY I hate to put my kid in them. So I came up with this.

BTW, he is feeling better, but not good enough to let go of the binky, so he's proudly sporting it in this pic.

Here's how I did it.

I attached two ribbons to the bottom of the toy and TA DA! Easy huh? I attached my ribbons through the same holes that were used to bind the toy will a million wires to the packaging (by the way, anyone want to join me in boycotting toy packaging? Seriously, who is suppose to be able to open those things?), but you could use hot glue or E6000.

See, threaded them through existing slots.

In addition to my other post about this project, here is the original toy I bought at the DI for $2.50. Isn't it dorky? I decided spray painting it was a bad idea so I threw it away. It took weeks to find this at the DI and I was inpatient to wait for another one to show up. I stopped in the toy section at Walmart to see what they wanted for a new one. When my son saw it he wouldn't let it go. He cried when the cashier had to ring it up. I usually never buy things for him if it isn't an occasion, but I caved and spent $15 on the one in the finished project. A little high priced for my taste, but shopping has been a breeze. Oh well.


  1. That is absolutely awesome! What a great mom!

  2. Awesome idea. I think I'm going to do the same thing...we have one of those steering wheel toys left over from my older boys. The baby doesn't play with it at home, but he loves car carts...perfect!!
