Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Bon Appetit Giveaway

I have a strict rule that I usually give away the first of something I make. (that is if it's logical and reasonable) Why? Because after you've completed a project don't you always say, "If I were to do it again I'd do this or that differently." Well, my OCD takes over and I can't stand looking at my mistakes forever.

So, to celebrate having ALMOST 50 followers I am giving one of you the first felt pizza I've made. I made this pattern up on my own. You will get 4 slices of cheese pizza with sauce made from a secret family recipe :) Also included are removable pepperoni toppings. I promise that the only flaws are the ones my OCD brain creates. Like, I swear the cheese is crooked on one of these... The pepperonis are done by free motion stitching. They are not perfect circles, but this was intentional. I think they look more pepperoni-y that way. P.S. The props, aka The Pizza Cutter, is not included in the giveaway.

If you'd like a chance to win leave a comment before Friday, November 6, 2009. I will draw the winner at 10:00 pm MST. Good Luck!


  1. I had 5 comments this morning. I clicked "publish" but I don't know where they disappeared to. Hopefully they show back up later. If not, and you left a comment last night, could you please leave another.

    I'm so sorry!

  2. i love this pizza! i am crazy for felt food, so i would love to win your gorgeous pizza! thanks and congrats on almost having 50 followers. very exciting!

  3. Your felt food is fabulous! You have inspired me to want to make some. I would love to win your pizza!
