Friday, November 20, 2009

I'm in the Army Now

Hello everyone. I haven't done many crafty things this week. My husband is in Qatar for a business thing and this single parenting thing is hard. To top it off Magoo came down with a cold. He's not napping well, and has been really clingy so crafting has been almost obsolete. I did manage one quick recon this week.

Specimen A: $1 thrift store hat. Looks sort of Army-ish

After Magoo went to bed one night I got out the dreaded unpicker and went to town on those stars. Added a silk flower attached to a hair clip (that way I can switch it out, or wear it in my hair later) Looks pretty good I think, and I don't think I'll be mistaken for an Army recruit.

Yes, that's me. Yes, that's the nose God gave me. I think I must have gotten in the wrong line when He was passing out noses. :)

P.S. All these pictures were taken at different times of the day. It is not a magically coloring changing hat :)

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