Thursday, December 3, 2009

Entertainment Center to Child's Kitchen

Santa's elves have been putting in a lot of overtime hours in my basement. Look what they've been up to.

Before: An entertainment center I got from the online classifieds for $15

After: A Child Sized Kitchen

I used this tutorial as a guide

Here are some close ups of the elements:

The sink is made from a buffet steam tray. The faucet was a yard sale find.
The counter top is modpodged fabric. Doesn't it look graintey?

The stove. It is the original door with a window cut out and plexiglass added. I attached the plexiglass with E600. The burners are formula can lids. The knobs are things I found at a thrift store, I have no idea what their real purpose is. I got a whole bag of them for $.50 (email me if you'd like me to send some to you. I have a TON left over). The oven door handle is from Ikea, the pot holder is from Ikea, and so are the pots and pans.

Aren't these the cutest? I found them at Sears. Here's the mixer, but I don't see the toaster online.

The window scene was a print from a picture I got at a thrift store for $1. It was modpodged to the back of the kitchen. Then I bought another $1 frame. I painted the frame and glued it around the picture. I used an 18" curtain rod from WM.

Here is the total cost breakdown:
-entertainment center: $15
-paint: $20
-sink: $10
-faucet: $5
-hardware: $10
-fabric: $8
-window: $2
-misc: $5

Total: $75



  1. I love this idea!!! You did a great job! With my son I bought one of those plasticy kitchens and it was ok but I love this! I will definitely be making one of these next year for my daughter.

  2. You are joking! you made this??? This is absolutely amazing! You definitely need to link this to some parties (email me if you need to know them) and submit it to one pretty thing. Also, publish the tutorial you sent to me on your site. My kids would die over a kitchen like this. I wish I was cool enough to make this!!!!

  3. FANTASTIC!!! I love your creative use of materials. I'm sure your son will love it. :)

  4. are you kidding me right now? In just scrolling through the pictures I thought this was a picture of your kitchen, not a child's toy! holy cow, I am so featuring this!

  5. Okay, can you answer one more question for you and I promise that I'll stop blogstalking you (fingers crossed)? How on EARTH did you modge podge fabric on to the counter?!? Can you break that down for me? What kind did you use?

  6. Modge Podge fabric? Here's how I did it.

    I started by spray painting my fabric with clear spray paint. It makes the fabric stiff and you'll get less wrinkles.

    Then I cut the fabric to the size I wanted it. Backsplash + countertop + front edge. I did a separate piece for the right backsplash. Then I covered the area with regular ol' modge podge (I had gloss on hand) and laid the fabric down. I smoothed it out really well and then added 2 coats of modge podge to the top.

    After it had dried I trimmed off the excess hanging over the front edge and then added 3 coats of matte polyurethane. It doesn't even feel like fabric anymore. Feels just like a countertop. I love the end result.

  7. DARLING!! What a cute idea!! It turned out so cute and the kids are going to LOVE it!! Thanks for linking to Poppies!!

  8. Oh my goodness! I have been dreaming about how to make a little kitchen for my kids. This is awesome! You are brilliant - soo creative! What a lucky little kiddo, to get this for Christmas!

  9. I decided to feature this at to get you more traffic and because this is simply too good to be true!!!

  10. Oh. My. Gosh! You are BRILLIANT! That's all I can say.

  11. Get outta town! I can not believe you made this. I feel so inadequate. That's amazing, your kids are gonna love it. And the best part is that no one else will have one like it. I love one-of-a-kind things. You are amazing.

  12. This is amazing, the attention to detail is fabulous. Thanks for sharing.

  13. This is brilliant! I can't believe how creative you are! Mod Podged fabric for counter tops!? It looks really, really good!

  14. This is so impressive! You must be so creative!

  15. that's really amazing!

  16. This turned out great! I can't wait to see it in person next week.

  17. Lucky Graham! Kate would be in high-heaven if Santa's elves were putting something together like this for her. I love it! Good job!

  18. WOw! That is about the coolest thing ever. Amazing transformation - you did SUCH a great job! I'm very impressed. Many happy hours are ahead, I just know it.

  19. It turned out so great! How was the reaction come christmas time?

  20. you did such a great job on your kitchen. i really love the "granite" counter tops you created! ingenious! it is so fun for me to see the improvements and twists people make on the repurposed entertainment center kitchen idea. keep up the good work!!

  21. How did you make the door open from the bottom? did you just re-use the old hardware, or did you buy new hinges or??? This is AWESOME by the way and I can't wait to try it!

  22. Just wanted you to know that I linked to your kitchen! Hope that's okay!

  23.'s the link:

  24. It's amazing what a little ingenuity you can make a cabinet that perhaps a change was made out a large and beautiful jeguete for children, congratulations nice idea. With my husband will be busy this few days and will not have to buy viagra.

  25. I'm speechless! I love this idea and that you love cupcakes.

  26. How I wish I know how to do some woodworking! I have a 3-year-old girl and I wish I have some carpentry skill. I have an old TV center and it would be great if we could transform it into something like this!
    tv furniture units

  27. Thanks for the inspiration!

  28. You did such an AMAZING JOB!!! I love all the details! I posted a pic (with your link) on my blog post about what kind of play kitchen I want. Let me know if you are not okay with that and I will take the pic down. Thanks!!!

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